Each year the City of Piqua collects and compiles water and sanitary sewer rate information from jurisdictions in Southwest Ohio and presents the results in the form of comparative bar charts. Reporting governmental entities use this rate analysis in various ways. See below to learn more about the survey, its results, and the methodology used in completing the survey.
2023 Water & Sewer Rate Survey Report
Flushing is done bi-annually each year to maintain and ensure water quality within the water distribution system. The process also allows the Service Department to check the operation of each fire hydrant and make any needed repairs. Residents are advised to check the water for discoloration before washing clothes during this time period. The water will remain safe for consumption. Any questions concerning the flushing and the time period should be directed to the village offices at (937) 962-4377.
2023 Annual Drinking Water Quality Report – VILLAGE OF LEWISBURG
On October 8th, 2024 a final rule was issued to The Lead and Copper Rule Improvements (LCRI). The LCRI is a major advancement in protecting children and adults from the significant, and irreversible, health effects from being exposed to lead in drinking water. These advancements are based on the science and existing practices utilized by drinking water systems. One of the obligations of the LCRI requires water systems to prepare and maintain an inventory of service line materials. Initial inventories were required to be submitted to state primacy agencies by October 16, 2024.
Water Works Department
201 E. Clay Street
Lewisburg, Ohio 45338
(937) 962-4006
Sewer Department
400 Tillman Lane
Lewisburg, Ohio 45338
(937) 962-4377

Phone: (937) 962-4377
Fax: (937) 962-2900
Municipal Office
112 South Commerce Street, P.O. Box 697
Open Daily 7:00 AM to 4:00 PM