Why does the fire department bill for EMS calls? Don’t my taxes pay for those services?
The cost to operate the fire department and emergency medical service has risen over the years and billing for EMS calls helps off-set the expense.
Where does the money go?
The revenue collected goes directly to the Fire Department’s budget and assists with purchase of equipment, personnel, operations as well as training for the members.
What if I have any questions about my bill, who do I contact?
Change Health Care
3131 Newmark Drive Suite 100
Miamisburg, OH 45342
If you would rather, you can always contact Assistant Chief Kenny Pierce with your questions at 937-962-4640 or by email at kpierce@bizwoh.rr.com.
Phone: (937) 962-4377
Fax: (937) 962-2900
Municipal Office
112 South Commerce Street, P.O. Box 697
Open Daily 7:00 AM to 4:00 PM