Medic 19
Medic 19 is a 2014 GMC Advance Life Support ambulance.
It is equipped with state-of-the-art lifesaving equipment.

Brush 19
Brush 19 is a 2011 Ford, 250 gallon tank. Brush 19 is a 2 firefighter operated. It has a water turret the is on the front of the truck controlled with a joystick from inside the cab, has 2 fence line sweeps, a 1” cross lay and 100 foot 1” reel hose.
Engine 19
Engine 19 is a 1989 1500 GPM, 1250 gallon tank.
It is a front-line equipped reserve engine.

Gator 19
Medic 19-2
Medic 19-2 is a 2006 Ford Advance Life Support ambulance.
It is equipped with state-of-the-art lifesaving equipment.

Rescue 19
Rescue 19 is a 1994 Quality Spartan, 1500 GPM, 750 gallon tank, 6 crew of firefighter, Rescue 19 is the front-line engine and rescue. It has the Jaws of Life, air bags, rescue jacks, rescue ropes, on board SCBA cascade fill system, Ladders, PPV and has hazardous material equipment.
Tanker 19
Tanker 19 is a 2000 KME 1500 GPM, 1800 gallon tank, 6 crew of firefighter. It responds on all fire calls in our district and first out on all mutual aid fire request. It has a 2500 gallon dump tank, ladders, PPV.

Utility 19
Utility 19 is a 2006 Ford command vehicle that is ALS equipped and operated by our full time first responders.
Phone: (937) 962-4377
Fax: (937) 962-2900
Municipal Office
112 South Commerce Street, P.O. Box 697
Open Daily 7:00 AM to 4:00 PM