History of Lewisburg
Soon after the organization of Harrison Township, in 1816, the town of Lewisburg was laid out. The first man to take a step in this direction was Zachariah Hole, but his work was never recorded. The first work recorded is that of Henry Horn, who recorded the following statement in the record’s office in Eaton, on the seventh of September, 1818:
To all who shall see these presents, greeting: Know ye, that I , Henry Horn, of Preble county, in the State of Ohio, having laid out a town in the county and State aforesaid, on sections number twenty-seven and twenty-eight, in range three (East), on the southeast and southwest quarters of said sections which the town contains, twenty-eight in-lots, with one street running north, five degrees east, namely: Greenville Street; with three streets running parallel with each other and crossing Greenville Street at right angles, namely: Dayton Street, Twin Street, and Water Street. Greenville Street and Dayton Street are each four rods wide; Water Street and Twin Street are each two rods wide. There are two alleys crossing Greenville Street at right angles, running parallel with Dayton Street, and one alley crossing Dayton Street at right angles and running parallel with Greenville Street, with alleys extending around the town. The alleys are each eight (8) and one-fourth feet wide. The town shall be called Lewisburgh.
In testimony whereof, I have herunto set my hand and seal, this seventh day of September, in the year of our Lord 1818. Henry Horn, [seal] Jacob Werts, Alexander Airman.
A good many additions have been made since, but this is the earliest recorded. Historians agree that the founder named Lewisburg after a town of the same name then located in the state of Virginia and now in West Virginia. Eighteen years later, another pioneer, John Mumma, laid out an adjoining community and names it Euphemia, in honor of his wife. The two communities were combined on April 4, 1916, thus creating the present Lewisburg.


Land Area

Year Founded

Our Culture
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Historic Lewisburg, Ohio
History in your own backyard….

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Fax: (937) 962-2900
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112 South Commerce Street, P.O. Box 697
Open Daily 7:00 AM to 4:00 PM